I like to think that we mainly have renewable and non-renewable resource. Things that are socially agreed as having monetary value including gold, gemstone, cash, digital currency, and financial instruments are renewable. Those are the things that we can earn more from jobs, businesses, and investments.

On the other hand, we are given a set amount of time to live. As Tim mentioned in his blog, “It kind of feels like our lives are made up of a countless number of weeks. But there they are—fully countable—staring you in the face.” Roughly 4,500 weeks for a long 90-year human life. Most of us already used half of those for school and career, and that left us hopefully about 2,250 weeks if we have taken care of our human body by eating and sleeping well.

What I’m saying is we have finite resource of time. It is up to us whether we want to spend it on toxic relationship, dead-end job, and social media or rather invest it on learning new skill, experiencing places and people, and spending quality time with family and friends.